Rendering static content

You can improve the performance of your application by caching the rendering of nodes that become static after a certain point. However, take into consideration that caching decreases the performance before the node becomes static. When you enable caching for a node, this node generates an FBO for itself, renders itself to it, and for all future frames uses this generated FBO instead of rendering itself again. Use this method to cache complex nodes and speed up their rendering.

To render nodes only once:

  1. In the Project select the 2D node you want to render only once.
    To render 3D content only once, collect the content under a Scene node, and select the parent Viewport 2D node of the Scene.
  2. In the Properties click , and add any of the following properties:

See also

Rendering best practices

Optimizing the rendering of layouts

Configuring nodes for efficient rendering

Preventing overdraw with the Sorting Filter

Rendering partially transparent nodes

Troubleshooting the performance of your application

Best practices